Sunday, December 29, 2013

Letter #70

Dear Family
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! This week was EXTREAMLY CRAZY!!!!!! I got my new companion, new apartment, new car and now its Christmas. Halelujah.
Last Wednesday I got my new companion. His name is Elder Nate Hunter, he is from Orem. He is a WAY sweet Elder.
New apartment, and all that goes with it. We had to put all the stuff away and we did get around to teach a few lessons. THe members here are GREAT!!! they are WAY excited about missionaries coming to Lohja!!!
Oh, Friday was the Best day EVER!! we turned in our slightly older but very nice car in to a dealer, and I had the wonderful opportunity to drive away with a brand spankin new car!!!!!!! RIGHTOUS!!! The milage was only 10 kilometers when I got in the car. WAY SWEET!!!! very spiritual experiance for me. I definatly am grateful for this chance to serve a mission. :) :) :) It is a Toyota yaris. Its got a navigator and if you use bluetooth, the car can call people for you!!! it is AWESOME!!!! i like it. the front seats heat up too, (machine washable darling thats a new feature) :) oh, the car talks to you too. I like the british women voice talking, i feel like James Bond. "yes master Waite?" "Its Elder Waite to you miss Pots thank you". Just kidding, the cars name is NOT miss Pots. :)
So, for a first week city we did get our only investigator to church. We were in the car with him and a member 40 minute drive to church, 3 hours there, and 40 minute drive back. I have a feeling it will be a little tough to get investigators there. its basically a whole day affair. haha, I love you all and see you soon!!!!
Vanhin Waite

Letter #69

Dearest Family, Friends, good acquaintances and JOCELYN!!!!


Life in the good North is pretty good. So we had change calls, and turns out, I will not be Zone Leader anymore, I got DEMOTED to dog sledder. I use a dog sled and the missions 12 dog powered huskies to transport copies of the BOM to missionaries as well as deliver Christmas Packages to them. Its quite a big job, we missionaries call it the "Elder Santa" spot. Basically I am just one big conduit for all sorts of stuff relating to missionary work here.:)

JUST KIDDING!!! pretty good right? but I am opening a new city called Lohja, it has never had missionaries there before and guess what, I am TRAINING!!! my second time!!! oh there really is joy in the posterity!!! (Jocelyn please explain) :) I am excited!!!

We had a tougher week than usual, we took a hit in the teaching pool department, a couple of investigators dropped us. But that is Otay, because we had one come to church.and there was much rejoicing, yeahhhhhh....
and I dont have a Christmas call organized yet, but most likely it will happen on Christmas(go figure) at 7 or 8 oclock my time. and for you math people out there that is about 10 to 11 oclock in the morning for you all. And next week i will have that in concrete, o tay??

I love you all!! I sent your christmas stuff!! but dont be too excited, tis very tiny. not much. There is a Christmas FINNISH market going on in Helsinki, so I will browse through there and get stuff. So maybe real Christmas will come later. 

I love you, I miss you, but i dont want to hug you, because I got 6-8 months left and I like it. I have had SOOO many cool experiances and testimony builder moments its incredible!! I love this work and this time of year to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Thank you for your love and support. Have fun and read the Book of Mormon.!!! than share it with others!!! love you!!

best wishes
Vanhin Waite

Monday, December 9, 2013

Letter #68

Dear family
Tis a new month and new chance to improve!!! I gave a talk yesterday and we had a investigator in church who is starting to progress. I am grateful to be a missionary in Finland at this time and I love Finland!!!
I have decide to start over with a lot of things in my missionary life and just focus on the simple, easy things. There is a  member here who is a GREAT example to me of selfless service!! But he often forgets to clean his house and when he is not taking care of everyone else he is too tired to clean, so we talked and I related a little to him and I said its the little things that matter. Just clean up after use.    i have learned a lot on my mission mom about cleaning. and natalie:)
I gave a talk in my ward about missionary work of coarse!!! i talked about easy and natural way to ask and include non member acquaintances and friends in our gospel way of life. it was alright.
I love being a missionary!! there are of coarse tons of things that are a bit scary for a wee wittle guy like me, for example standing infront of over 160 people for a talk..... making friends with strangers and knocking doors and crashing parties. BUT, the lord is with all his missionaries!! I know it. I love you all and I am very grateful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, I am grateful for the Gospel and I love my life. I love repentance. ANd I love all of you.
Vanhin waite

Letter #67

dear family

This week is great!! I love being a missionary because you are givin so much to do and so little time and it is SO fun to trust the Lord and know that His work gets done when "put our shoulder to the wheel"

I am very grateful for my family and friends!! in that order too!!! thank you for all your love and support!!! we had a great thanksgiving this week!! two american families got together and had us come over and it was SO fun!! everything traditional style it was great!!! 

So next week i give a talk in my ward. first ever official Ward talk i´ve given on my mission. i will be talking about missionary work and how everyone IS a missionary when they are friends. ANd how all missionary work is is being their friend and then kinda offer salvation through Jesus Christ so no biggy. :) :)

I love you all and i think your hte best!!

Vanhin waite